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The OCP, Growth & Infrastructure

Pemberton is growing at a great rate and will most likely continue to do so for some time. It is so important that we manage that growth by making sure the infrastructure is able to keep up, that we are supporting services like fire and recreation and that the change that follows and reflects the values and character of this community.

We are currently reviewing and updating our Development Cost Charge bylaw and the Community Amenity Contribution policy. These two projects are vital to making sure that developments contribute the appropriate amount for the increased demand on infrastructure and services.

We are also in the process of developing a full Asset Management Plan. This has been a priority of Council and basically is an inventory of all of the infrastructure, its condition, projected replacement and what will be required to keep up with a growing population. All new developments are considered through the lens of what infrastructure can handle and the asset management plan we are working on this year will really support that goal.

The Official Community Plan (OCP): What is the collective vision for Pemberton in 10, 20 and 50 years? When residents collectively assess the values and essentials that we want to see considered, what is inherent in the character of this special place? The Official Community Plan captures answers to those questions. The OCP is the policy that guides all of the work and decision making of Council and is the north star for where we want to go as a community. I believe this document is essential in terms of how we manage growth and change in the years to come.

The process of updating the OCP began over a year ago, this process will take about a year and a half more to complete. It will include a huge amount of engagement with community members, groups and stakeholders. It captures goals around affordability, transportation, climate change, livability, diversity and equality and how to protect what is so special here and to continue to build a healthy, compassionate, complete community.

Updating the OCP and creating that vision for Pemberton‘s future is exceptionally exciting work and one of the reasons I decided to run for mayor once more. It is a big part of how we will manage growth together and move toward a collective vision for Pemberton.

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